Social Media Management

NFL Player Social Media Management & Marketing

Are you an NFL player or agent? Are you not sure how to best use social media to tell your story?

Navigating the world of social media is hard work. New social media networks pop up, existing ones make changes, and we haven’t even talked about content creation! Once you publish a post, did it reach the maximum audience size and engagement?  Was it optimized correctly?  Did you do everything correctly? Do you dislike having to figure out what to post after game day or on an off day?

If the above paragraph stresses you out, you’re normal! Social Media is a BIG tent and you’re going to need someone experienced to help you each step of the way. Besides, you need to prioritize your work on the field, not on your phone screen.

I help NFL players strategize and manage their social media presence. It does not matter what your experience level is, everyone needs help and there are many reasons you should be active online, including but not limited to…

  • It’s your brand and your identity online. You should take it seriously.
  • Build a tight fanbase so they will support you and your efforts outside of social media (merchandise as an example)
  • If you’re an older player (or a retired one), this is your legacy and it needs to live on. We don’t want to forget you!
  • You get to control your own narrative. Think of yourself as being your own PR.
  • Interested in working with brands? Social media is where you can build towards that.  You’re going to need help positioning yourself.
  • Team(s) and the league favors players who are active and they are often willing to amplify your presence

Like it or not, social media is the new normal. It’s time for you to raise your game.

And that’s where I come in, I provide top-notch social media management and marketing services for NFL Players and Agents.  I have worked with many top-tier athletes helping them reach their goals with social media and I want to help you too.  Let’s connect here to find out how we can best work together.