Social Media Management

Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) Management & Marketing

By now, as a college or high school athlete, you should be familiar with what the term Name Image and Likeness (NIL) is. If you’re not familiar, Name, image and likeness (NIL) refers to your personal brand. Recent NIL legislation allows student-athletes to profit off of their own brand in a variety of ways, including social media. NIL allows said athletes the opportunity to profit off their name (or brand).

With NIL now in place, the question becomes, how do you maximize your opportunities as a young athlete at the beginning of your journey?  Maybe sports will just be for school or maybe it’s what you want to do with your life. Either way, you are a young emerging brand now and it’s time for you to take control!

I help young athletes navigate this new world of Name Image Likeness (NIL). I will help ensure that you are…

  • Compliant based on NCAA standards or rules set forth by your school
  • Understanding how each social media platform works and how to best leverage them
  • Effectively working towards growing your followings thru engagement, content and community
  • Organizing your social media in a professional manner
  • Able to handle trolls and haters who are a nuisance to what you’re trying to accomplish
  • In the know on how to best target and grab the attention of brands you would like to work with
  • Walking the fine line between giving brands what they want while staying true to who you are

Ultimately, brands want to work with people who have an engaged following. They want to know that your audience is devoted to what you do.

And that’s where I come in, I provide top-notch Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) Management & Marketing services. I have many years of experience helping athletes reach their goals thru social media and I want to help you too. Let’s connect further here!